Mrs patil 65 year-old woman, had been struggling with lower mobile teeth for some time. She had visited several dentists in the past, but all of them advised her to extract the affected teeth and replace them with dental implants. However, Mrs. Patil was not comfortable with the idea of having a surgical procedure and was searching for alternative solutions.

One day, Mrs.patil was told about Oral Care Dental Clinic by a friend, and she decided to visit the clinic. When she arrived we took her case history and evaluated all the necessary photographs and models. thoroughly examined Mrs. Patil teeth and found that the problem was due to a misaligned bite , an improper envelope of function, bone loss and gum recession causing food lodgement

To correct the issue, we worked on Mrs.patil’s bite and improving the envelope of function, without the need for any cutting or surgical procedures. As a result, Mrs.patils mobile teeth were stabilized, and she was able to enjoy a comfortable bite and improved oral health.

Mrs. Patil was extremely grateful for the care she received at Oral Care Dental Clinic and was happy with the results. She was able to smile with confidence and was no longer self-conscious about her lower teeth.

By correcting the underlying cause of Mrs. Patil problem, we were able to restore her mobile teeth and improve her overall oral health, without resorting to invasive procedures

One year after her treatment at Oral Care Dental Clinic, Mrs. Patil returned for a follow-up appointment. I was pleased to see that the mobility of her lower teeth had been significantly reduced, and that her gums had become healthy and strong. Further evaluation revealed that the bone around her lower teeth had regenerated providing even more stability to her teeth.

Mrs. Patil was overjoyed with the results of her treatment and thanked us for care and expertise. She now had a healthy and confident smile, and was proud to show off her teeth to family and friends.

This follow-up story demonstrates the long-term benefits of the holistic approach taken at Oral Care Dental Clinic. By addressing the underlying cause of Mrs. Patils problem and promoting oral health, we were able to provide her with a durable and long-lasting solution.

1 year follow up